quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Maeve's first hangover

- Olha ela chegou, Mari! ai, que bom que você chegou! ops, sorry, just in english, ok, just in english, hahahahah ! Why is everything so funny? You look so pretty today, you're pretty, you look pretty, Kari. Hey, Mari, I like you, you know that? I really like you! I was afraid about liking you or not, but I do, I really do! hahahahaha! this is funny, isn't? Don't you think is funny? Hahahahah!

-Maeve, are you ok?

- Oh, sure, i'm ok, i'm ok, i'm ok, i'm ok, i'm really ok... Thank you for asking, you look pretty today, did I tell that you look pretty today? It's because is truth... Am I speaking in english? we have to speak in english, cause Mari is not gonna be able to undestund if we start to talk in portuguese, right Mari? am i righ? yes, i am, yes i am...

- I'm pretty sure that we've been talking in english all the time...

- Are we? oh, good... good.. i'm ok, i'm ok...

Já que o vídeo eu não vou mostrar mesmo, não custa nada dividir um pouquinho da humilhação com vocês.

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